Thursday, September 29, 2011
Psychology and Entertainment
Here is a speech given by Thelma Golden a Curator about “How Art gives shape to cultural change”. Now I know reading this most people will say how does that ties into what you want to do Ms. Burton? LETS CONVERSE!!!
Posted by Byrd at Thursday, September 29, 2011 0 comments
Friday, August 19, 2011
My Photoshop Experience
It’s amazing the things you can learn while attending Full Sail University. I have recently signed up for an opportunity to edit headshot for ESPN Sports. This give student from Full Sail the opportunity to learn how to use a program called Photoshop. This tool is where you can design or redesign things of choice if possible. I went on Tuesday August 16, 2011 for a lesson on how to use Photoshop. First the instructor had us to download a file to our computer with headshots of college football players from Arizona State. Then we were instructed with other directions to learn to add photos and crop them step-by-step. When first using Photoshop it seems as if this program is too advanced to learn how to navigate, but when someone shows you it’s really easy. Learning how to crop photos showed me that people who study the field of gaming and design has many tidiest steps to make sure photos are crop correctly and filed in a certain order. When cropping photos for headshots there must be a certain color in order for the photo to show correctly on television. When learning a program like this it’s really important that the instructor for the workshop knows how to teach and has no problem having a one on one with each student. After a few practice examples each step became easier and easier. I was taught how to save the headshot a certain way, for example, last name underscore first name and save it as Targa. I learned when saving the headshots in a certain way all the computer has to do is located when requested. This makes it more technical than people going to hand pick the headshots themselves. Even though I am an Entertainment Business major it’s great to be well rounded in any area. My instructor also informed me that a lot of marketing people at ESPN ask many questions on how to crop a headshot. With this for future I will know how to crop in Photoshop, and this will make me more advance on my resume.
Posted by Byrd at Friday, August 19, 2011 0 comments
Monday, August 8, 2011
Relationships/Marriages in a Business Setting
This month I am currently taking Artist and Product Management. We have learned about when dealing with different products or artist it becomes somewhat of a relationship or marriage. I have recently started branding an upcoming incorporated company. Society Entertainment Incorporate is an umbrella company that consists of a music label, photography, online magazine etc. This company has been up and running for four years now, but haven’t had a great team/staff to help it become successful.
Posted by Byrd at Monday, August 08, 2011 0 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Negotiating Deals with Supa
This month in Negotiation and Deal Making we were taught different situations and skills for certain negotiations. Different terms we have learned includes: Objective Criteria, Separating the people from the problem, BATNA, Leverage and power, Appreciation, Affiliation, Autonomy, Status, Role, Dealing with negative emotions, Mutual benefit, and dealing with dirty tricks and/or tricky tactics. When in a negotiation or making a deal we have learned that you will see at least two of these terms and/or situations. Here I have interviewed a local full-time producer here from Orlando Fl. He deals with a lot negotiation when it comes to selling tracks and beats to aspiring artist and/or entertainers. His name is Ecken “Supa Soundman” Louis. He has been in the studio working along side Bobby Brown and some Cash Money artist. He has experience with local talent as well.
When dealing with customers do you have to deal with dirty tricks and/or
Tricky tactics?
Sometimes people don’t want to pay upfront fees or lack of funds, but it’s apart of the game. Everybody has an excuse, and it’s always about money. They don’t have any and try to negotiate to get it for free then pay later.
With you being in the studio with Bobby Brown in the past do you feel your role, as a local producer is important for your client to know? Why or Why not?
But sometimes I show my resume when consulting artist.
At the end of a deal or an understanding, do you and your client have Mutual
Most of the time both parties are happy with the outcome.
Do you have to deal with a lot of negative emotions? Why or Why not?
Not really... Most clients are satisfied with the product. I never had any backlash or negative emotions.
What is your BATNA (second option) when you sale beats to clients?
If a client is reasonable with the offers, then I will work with them on the price.
Where there ever a time when you had to separate the people from the problem
when producing or when you sale a beat/track?
Never had a situation like this.
Reviewing this interview you see a lot of different situations when it comes to negotiating. Either from being a big time producer or a local producer, a person will deal with objective criteria, separating the people from the problem, having a BATNA, also dealing with dirty tricks and/or tricky tactics etc. Learning these situations and understanding how to use them to benefit you will help have a negotiation that will end in a great deal making.
Posted by Byrd at Tuesday, July 26, 2011 0 comments
Friday, May 6, 2011
PMA (Promotions Marketing Association)
Hi readers,
Today I’m here to tell you about one of the Associations that give me insight on how to promote and market brands and other things. This association is called PMA (Promotions Marketing Association). This company is a non-profit trade association that helps motivate behavior, activate response, and build brands. Alongside that, they also deal with promotions marketing, digital marketing, shopper/retail marketing, and sponsorship and experiential marketing. This association has impact on the industry because it deals with Fortune 500 companies; top marketing agencies, law firms, retailers, service providers and academic
Posted by Byrd at Friday, May 06, 2011 0 comments
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Antigua Nightlife
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I attended Antigua nightclub Tuesday April 12, 2011 in Orlando Fl. upon entering the club you have option of the “regular line” and the “V.I.P Line”, which both is accompanied by red carpet. Before I entered the nightclub I was given a wristband showing that I was over 21 so I could purchase alcohol. Sorry 20 year olds and younger NO alcohol for you!
Posted by Byrd at Wednesday, April 13, 2011 0 comments
Monday, April 4, 2011
Supa Sound Exclusive!!!
HEY HEY HEY… I know usually I discuss an event, but today I’m giving my blog a little twist to it!!! From time to time I will give you “off the record” information. So “off the record” I had the chance to interview one of Orlando’s own independent Producer. He goes by the name of Supa, soundman, or Supasoundman. He has been producing for 8 years. I think it’s important to promote our very own local talent.
What do you like people to call you?... And you tell us what you do???
Well The Girls call me hansom and what I do is get there number..LOL...but most call me supa...or sound..or soundman, and what I do is I’m a Music Producer/beat maker/songwriter/President of The U.S. just to name a few insignificant things I do..;-)
Posted by Byrd at Monday, April 04, 2011 0 comments
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