This month in Negotiation and Deal Making we were taught different situations and skills for certain negotiations. Different terms we have learned includes: Objective Criteria, Separating the people from the problem, BATNA, Leverage and power, Appreciation, Affiliation, Autonomy, Status, Role, Dealing with negative emotions, Mutual benefit, and dealing with dirty tricks and/or tricky tactics. When in a negotiation or making a deal we have learned that you will see at least two of these terms and/or situations. Here I have interviewed a local full-time producer here from Orlando Fl. He deals with a lot negotiation when it comes to selling tracks and beats to aspiring artist and/or entertainers. His name is Ecken “Supa Soundman” Louis. He has been in the studio working along side Bobby Brown and some Cash Money artist. He has experience with local talent as well.
When dealing with customers do you have to deal with dirty tricks and/or
Tricky tactics?
Sometimes people don’t want to pay upfront fees or lack of funds, but it’s apart of the game. Everybody has an excuse, and it’s always about money. They don’t have any and try to negotiate to get it for free then pay later.
With you being in the studio with Bobby Brown in the past do you feel your role, as a local producer is important for your client to know? Why or Why not?
But sometimes I show my resume when consulting artist.
At the end of a deal or an understanding, do you and your client have Mutual
Most of the time both parties are happy with the outcome.
Do you have to deal with a lot of negative emotions? Why or Why not?
Not really... Most clients are satisfied with the product. I never had any backlash or negative emotions.
What is your BATNA (second option) when you sale beats to clients?
If a client is reasonable with the offers, then I will work with them on the price.
Where there ever a time when you had to separate the people from the problem
when producing or when you sale a beat/track?
Never had a situation like this.
Reviewing this interview you see a lot of different situations when it comes to negotiating. Either from being a big time producer or a local producer, a person will deal with objective criteria, separating the people from the problem, having a BATNA, also dealing with dirty tricks and/or tricky tactics etc. Learning these situations and understanding how to use them to benefit you will help have a negotiation that will end in a great deal making.
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